Alyssa Stephens
End & Ever Studio
Describe your art
My art is based off of myths, folktales, and various literature, along with my visions, perceptions, and emotions added to it.
Who or what inspires you?
I inspire myself because even in stormy waters I still swim. There is not a day that goes by that I let myself forget who I am and the abilities I am capable of. I am my biggest fan and always push myself for improvement in all aspects of my life, including art. I am inspired by myself because I know who I am on the inside and I know my art makes me happy regardless of what societies standards are.
What is your favorite medium to work with?
I love working with acrylic paint but I also use ink and colored pencils for the pieces I create.
What's a fun fact about you?
I have never had an art lesson. I am self taught from the time I could scribble on my bedroom walls as a child.