Gretchen McKee

Describe your art
I would describe my art as intuitive, abstract landscape painting, meaning, I rely not only on my technical knowledge of the medium I work with but also my intuition on how I manipulate the medium to achieve my desired result. My landscapes are based on real locations but it is my interpretation of that location focusing primarily on color and texture. Each painting, I hope, would illicit emotional connections with the viewer.

Who or what inspires you?
The colors and textures of the sky and landscape surrounding me. I tend to use the clouds as a focus of my landscapes, primarily in my oils, so I would say that inspires me quite a lot. I tend to see everything in terms of color and texture so that is what i find inspirational.
My watercolors are the same although they are more contemporary and less abstract.

What is your favorite medium to work with?
Oil with cold wax medium

What's a fun fact about you?
When I was 12 (my family was on vacation entering a hotel) I rounded a corner outside our hotel and bumped right in to Elvis Presley. My Mom almost fell out because I straight up ran smack into him.