Lynn Shankles

Maw Sudie Soap Co.

Describe your art
Goats milk soap, goats milk lotions, sugar scrubs, 100% cotton hand crocheted face scrubbies, etc.

Who or what inspires you?
I want to help people who can’t use or who are looking for better products than those currently available rom the big box stores. My niece Ava Grace, who has alpha gal syndrome is who inspired me to being my dream to make something better for those who struggle with allergies and simply want to live a normal life free from allergic reactions.

What is your favorite medium to work with?
Cold processed soap

What's a fun fact about you?
I live on a farm and have chickens, ducks, goats, cats and dogs! I love all of my fur babies!

Making soap is an art form. It is so pleasing to see what designs and new scents you can create! I have a problem being patient waiting to take my soaps out of their molds to see what they look like when you cut the bars. No batch of soap is ever the same so you create an original every time you create a new batch of soap!
(256) 599-7453