Art Society of Jackson Count 2025 Artist Grant Application
Any artist who resides in Jackson County is eligible to apply.
- must reside in Jackson County, AL for the past 2 years
- must be able to provide proof of residency
- must be 18 years or older
- must be a Participating Artist (application here:
- must provide 3 examples of your work in the form of digital images
- must fill out application completely
Applications will be open through June 1, 2025 and the winner will be announced Sept. 2025
Judges will be from outside our county so applications can be unbiased
Grant will be $250 per grant (one grant each for visual, performance, culinary, and literary artists)
Winner agrees to be photographed with images shared on social media, newspaper articles, etc.
Winner agrees to participate in one of our shows within one year of being awarded the grant
You may only apply for one grant per year
Grant recipients may not reapply for 2 years
Judges will consider the following from the applications:
Commitment to advancing your art professionally
Intended use of grant funds
Previous Winners
Madison Ellison 2025 Visual Artist Grant Recipient